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After almost two years in Bavaria, it was time for my husband and I to return to the United States. As I retrieved items we had stored in our German landlord’s attic, I came across a decades-old undeveloped roll of film. “It must have belonged to the last owners of this house,” our landlord said.… Read more »

My husband and I lived near Nuremberg, Germany, while he was an Army lieutenant stationed in Bavaria. Though we both were children of World War II veterans, we knew little about the region’s history. We felt at home in the third-floor apartment of our landlord’s house. He and his wife treated us like family; their… Read more »

Radio took center stage in the 1930s. Sixty percent of American households had one as their main source of news and entertainment. Thanks to radio, a rabble-rousing Catholic priest grew famous in the ’30s championing anti-war isolationism. At its peak, the broadcasts of Father Charles Coughlin reached ninety million listeners a week, according to The… Read more »

My father was in his 70s when he gave me a cardboard box filled with faded letters and two worn journals. Only after he died a few years later did I read them and discover a mystery: His World War II letters to my mother told one story. His private journals told another. As far… Read more »