The launch party and book signing for my novel SECRET BATTLES on Sunday couldn’t have delighted me more. So many friends and supporters came! I wish I had more time with each of them.
Some guests were talented local writers who had seen my earliest attempts at the novel more than a decade ago. Their support back then buoyed me. I cannot thank them enough for their faith in my efforts and for coming to celebrate with me.
I’m also grateful to friends from other parts of my life who showed up to cheer my accomplishment and buy the book. Writing a novel is a solitary process. Sharing it with readers is the best medicine.
The Writer’s Block Bookstore provided a welcoming space for the event. Its staff, as well as my husband, son and granddaughter, were troopers in making sure the event ran smoothly. As a longtime resident of Winter Park, I’m really grateful to have this locally owned book store on Park Avenue.
Unfortunately, I missed a few people I wanted on my guest list when I spread news of the event. If you missed the gathering, you can obtain the book through Amazon and I’ll be glad to sign it the next time we see each other. Covid-19, however, was not and will never be invited. We masked up at the book signing for most of the time but removed them for these photos.
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