It’s official! My novel, Secret Battles, will be launched on Sunday, September 12, at the Writer’s Block Bookstore in Winter Park.
Mark your calendars to join the celebration. My book will be on sale and I’ll be signing copies between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Refreshments will be served.
This December will mark the 80th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, an event that sets my novel in motion. Yet the challenges my novel’s two main characters face are timeless. When separated from loved ones during dangerous times, how does one decide what secrets to keep and what truths to reveal? How does one nurture faith and trust?
Writing this novel has been a long but treasured journey. I look forward to thanking in person all my supportive and helpful colleagues, mentors and friends. So, mask up and prepare to celebrate! The Writer’s Block is at 316 N. Park Ave., Winter Park.
Let us know how to order by mail.
Judi Bednarz & Steve Wallace (your NSB winter renters a few years ago!)
I’m sorry I missed your message! Thank you so much for your interest. The book has been getting good reactions. You can find it on Amazon.com. It’s available in paperback and Kindle. Email me if you have any questions. gcthrone@gmail.com
Great! Congratulations!
We’re ordering it today!
I’ll let my sister, Trisha Funk, know too!
I so wish I could attend. Very best wishes for a super successful launch. Mike
So excited for you! Will it be available on Amazon or any on-line site? Congrats!!!
Hi Helene,
Sorry I missed your message. The book is available on Amazon.com, in paperback or Kindle versions. Thanks for you comment! I was thinking of you guys today because we’re getting closer to our annual visit to St. Augustine. I miss that place. Had to skip last year. Hope you are well.
So Excited and proud of you for your wonderful accomplishment. All the best in sales.💕 Patti Campbell